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Not Exactly The Road To The Bob Hope Palm Springs Home

Bob Hope Palm Springs Home 2 Palm Springs Real Estate

Every Picture Tells A Story!

Every picture tells a story and this photo makes it clear that no, this is not the road to the former Palm Springs estate of the late entertainer Bob Hope. Our marketing team however liked the sense of humor exhibited by the owner of this property. In case you can’t read it, the sign on the right reads: No Trespassing. Owner has a gun and he is not afraid to use it. He also has A.D.D. “Hey is that a chicken?”

In the photo below, taken further up the hill is the small, gated luxury community of South Ridge. And the home at the top of the hill in this photo is “The Elrod House” by architect John Lautner, who just happed to be an apprentice to some guy named Frank Lloyd Wright early in his career.

The Elrod House Featured In Diamonds Are Forever

For James Bond fans, the Elrod House was featured as the ultimate bachelor pad in the ’71 Bond film Diamonds Are Forever. This home features 25 foot-wide hanging glass curtain walls that retract to open up the living room. The home was built in ’68’ for interior designor Arthur Elrod.

Further up the hill and beyond The Eldrod House is another famous John Lautner masterpiece, this is the former estate of Bob Hope. Located at 2466 Southridge Drive, Palm Springs. The home is listed at $25 million (actually the number is $24,999,000). I’m happy to show it. The owners do ask for a banking reference prior to our viewing the property.

Hot Palm Springs Photos

Kudos to our marketing team as they were out and about in Palm Springs most of today shooting about 60 new photos of Palm Springs neighborhoods on a sunny 109º day. We’ll be uploading these new photos to our Palm Springs pages over the next few days.

Palm Springs Elrod House Palm Springs Real Estate

The Elrod House Palm Springs

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